NURS8114 Week 4 Blog: Observation of Evidence-Based Practice

Week 4: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Implementation Science: Interrelationships From your experience as a registered nurse or APRN, how does change occur in a health care setting? How do outdated protocols get updated or the actual root cause of a persistent problem get uncovered and resolved? You may have answers that speak to the […]

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NURS8114- Week 3 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice

To prepare: The Assignment Complete your written philosophy of nursing practice in a paper of 3–5 pages, plus cover page and references page. Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those […]

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NURS8114- Week 3 Discussion: Applying Interdisciplinary Theories to Nursing Practice

Week 3: Other Theories That Support Nursing Practice The value of interdisciplinary learning is the beauty of drawing on knowledge and strategies from multiple fields. Imagine how ill prepared a nurse would be who only studied human systems. Patients are naturally more than a collection of systems. They have personalities and perspectives that are shaped […]

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NURS8114 Week 2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice

To prepare: The Assignment (3–5 pages) Continue to develop your written philosophy of nursing practice by identifying at least two middle range nursing theories that apply to your nursing practice and explaining how each theory supports your philosophy. Include at least two scholarly resources for this element of your philosophy. Reminder: The College of Nursing […]

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NURS8114- Week 2 Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

Week 2: Applying Middle Range Theories to Nursing Practice As a registered nurse or APRN, no doubt the issue of managing patient pain is one you have dealt with repeatedly. In identifying successful approaches to addressing and alleviating pain, you may have looked to theories of pain management to inform your practice. The work you […]

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NURS8114- Week 1 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice

This first Assignment will span Modules 1 and 2. Based on the Discussion in Week 1, you will prepare a written philosophy of nursing practice. You will start this week and continue developing your philosophy as you explore the Module 2 focus on theory applications to nursing. Learning Resources in Weeks 2 and 3, which […]

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NURS8114 Week 1 Discussion: Philosophy of Nursing Practice

Week 1: Philosophy of Nursing Practice Imagine the illustrated “cloud” in this image could represent your thoughts as you consider your nursing practice, your nursing experiences, and the influences that shape your attitudes and beliefs about nursing and health care. Then imagine other clouds within view that represent perspectives on nursing practice held by others—and […]

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