Week 1 Seminar

The instructor started by greeting and welcoming the students to the seminar. She then invited the audience to a relaxation exercise that targets the mind and emphasized the significance of mindfulness in nursing practice. She then outlined the topics to be handled today as well as the course basics, timing of each unity. Each unit is expected to begin Wednesday midnight ET and end Tuesday 1159ET. a total of 10 units will be handled. Additionally, discussion boards and seminars will be part of the unit as well as assignments that will be submitted by Tuesday 1159ET. The instructor as well outlined the course syllabus and the grading and homework policies. Learning activities were then highlighted and the communication platforms indicated. Such platforms are email and phone calls.

The instructor then gave an outline of the course NU499. The major components of the course were detailed. These components are discussion boards, seminars, written assignments, learning activities, career vision plan, and professional philosophy, and BSN program evaluation. She mentioned the major assignments which include a summary of the population of interest in unit 1, legislative letter in unit 2, healthcare informatics and emerging tech in week 6, creation of the population health plan in week 7, plan of care proposal in week 8, summative evaluation form in and phone conversation in week 9 and finally, career vision plan and professional career philosophy statement in week 10. The practice experience log was then mentioned and its utility in documenting hours used on course assignments 1-8. 

The instructor then focused on the comprehension of care mentioning the population of interest and the importance of choosing a population that is of interest to the student such as where they wish to work. She then discussed in detail unit 2 which covers the population of interest. This was then followed by unit 4 which detailed the legislative letter. Unit 9 then followed where the BSN program evaluation utilizing a form is carried out. She emphasized the importance of evaluation after every unit and that the evaluation should indicate whether the outcomes were met. She then discussed unit 10 mentioning the dates and times in which phone calls could be made. The instructor then discussed part two, detailing introduction to case management, reasons for comprehensive care, case managers and their roles as well as the effectiveness of case management. The instructor concluded by defining care management and the care management process which entails screening, assessing, planning, implementing, and follow up.

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