NURS4210- Role of the Nurse Leader
NURS4210- Week 3: Discussion- Evaluating Culture From the Nursing Perspective
This week, we will examine a case study about smokers in Poland. As noted in the Center for Global Development and Jassem, Przewozniak, & Zatonski (2014), prior to 1989, Poland had the highest rate of smoking in the world, with three-fourths of all men aged 20–60 smoking every day at a rate of 3,500 cigarettes […]
NURS4210- Week 2: Assignment- Windshield Survey/Community Assessment
Conduct a “Windshield Survey” in a section of your community. Instructions for the survey can be found in Stanhope and Lancaster (2020) on page 383, Table 17.5. As you notice, conducting a Windshield Survey requires that you either walk around or drive around a particular section of the community and take notes about what you observe. […]
NURS4210- Week 2: Practicum- Epidemiology: Define Your Population and Selected Problem
Overview: This week, you will further refine your population and problem and compare your suspicions about this problem to local, state, and national data on the topic. Your practicum project should come into clear focus as you continue to analyze related health data, and you should consider how you, as the nurse, might help them […]
NURS4210- Week 2: Discussion- An Epidemic in the Community
To prepare for this Discussion, visit the CDC Wonder site in this week’s resources. Investigate the incidence and prevalence of TB in your community. What information did you find? Analyze how your community compares to county, state, or national data for the same topic. Was the incidence and prevalence of each higher or lower than […]
NURS4210- Week 1: Practicum- Practicum Learning Objectives
Weekly Practicum AssignmentsPracticum Group DiscussionsOverview Week 1: Identification of a Population in Your CommunityAs a community of practice your task for this week is to collaborate with professionals across the health care system and with your community of practice in the discussion in order to find a gap in care or social determinant that often […]
NURS4210- Week 1: Discussion- Community Health Issues
To prepare for this Discussion, you will be required to read the assigned chapters in your Stanhope and Lancaster text. Then, call the Department of Health or your local Public Health Department and speak to a nurse. Find out the top health concern(s) for your community. Please focus your attention on the unique tools that […]
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