In the study of genetics, it is important to understand how a protein is made from the DNA sequence. Recent advancements have also highlighted how important it is to control how much of a protein is manufactured in the cell. Control over gene expression allows the cell to self-adjust to its needs. Studying control of gene expression has provided information about diseases such as obesity, cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Additionally, it is actively being explored to provide potential therapies to alleviate disease symptoms. In this Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation for your colleagues to educate them on the continuing advancements in the field of gene regulation. Assume you would be presenting to an audience with limited genetic knowledge.

Create an effective and professional PowerPoint presentation including all of the following requirements:

  1. Introductory slide that briefly introduces what your presentation is about. (1 slide)
  2. Define and describe the central dogma of biology and the importance of controlling gene expression in the molecular pathway from DNA to RNA to protein in eukaryotic cells as an introduction to your presentation. (2-3 slides)
  3. Outline and discuss the RNA interference as a form of gene regulation. Then research and present one article that demonstrates a potential therapeutic drug using this technology. Include information about the disease such as HIV or cancer being targeted in the therapy and explain how this regulation is occurring at the molecular level. (2-3 slides)
  4. Outline and discuss epigenetic changes that control gene expression. Then research and present one article that demonstrates how epigenetic changes can be influenced by either maternal behavior, nutrition or the environment. Include information about how the DNA is modified and potential long-term implications for the individual. (2-3 slides)
  5. Discuss how these changes or modifications to gene expression can result in different characteristics? Then explain how these changes or modifications are different from a mutation that changes the sequence of DNA. (1-2 slides)
  6. Conclusion slide that effectively wraps up your presentation. (1 slide)

To create an effective and professional presentation, you are required to:

  • Include a Title slide,
  • include in-text citations where applicable,
  • include a reference slide,
  • use images (with citations) as appropriate,
  • presentation is approximately 10-12 slides in total, and
  • ensure that slides are brief and bulleted, BUT include notes below each respective slide, outlining exactly what you would say to an audience as you presented it.

*If you do not have access to PowerPoint, you can go to to download the program Impress. This program enables you to create a PowerPoint presentation with a free, compatible program through Open Office.


  • For this Assignment, the use of reliable academic sources is important to ensure the presentation of accurate and timely material. Academic resources can include your textbook, government websites, and academic journal articles. Avoid using sites such as Wikipedia and, as they are not considered academically reliable. Start your search with a visit to the Library.
  • Effective PowerPoint Presentations

Submitting Your Assignment:

Save your copy of the Assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to use the “Save As” option to include your first and last name in the title of the document.

When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and submit your Assignment.

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