
Week 8 Introduction

This week, you will explore how to assess the musculoskeletal system.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate abnormal musculoskeletal findings
  • Apply concepts, theories, and principles relating to health assessment techniques and diagnoses for the musculoskeletal system

Read the Syllabus- You can find it under the “Syllabus” tab.

1. Readings- Read week 8 -course material.

2.  Late Policy:  Students are expected to submit assignments by the due dates noted in the course. In extenuating circumstances, such as illness, the student must contact the Instructor as soon as possible to discuss the situation. In those circumstances, the faculty will determine the appropriate course of action for the student. Depending on the situation, these actions may include recommendations to drop the course (if within the University drop/withdrawal period), acceptance of some or all of the overdue assignments with or without penalties, or failure to accept assignments.

Assignments submitted late without the prior agreement of the Instructor, outside of an emergency absence, or in violation of agreements for late submission, will receive a grade reduction for the assignment amounting up to 20%. After 5 days, the assignment will not be graded. Students should be aware that late assignments may not receive the same level of written feedback as do assignments submitted on time.

Due week 8 Discussion

Back pain

Ankle Pain

Knee Pain

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