Money-back guarantee

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Check out our refund policy to feel safe and secure.

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At Essaybrook, your money is safe. To make you feel comfortable when you place an order, we’ve developed a special refund system. Our money-back guarantee allows you to request and receive a refund at any stage of your order.

The reimbursement process with Essaybrook is clear and transparent. Take a look at the cases when a client has the right to a refund to make sure that we are always on your side and ready to help if anything goes wrong.

All questionss
  • To cancel an order, please contact our support team by phone or via Live Chat as soon as possible, and confirm the cancellation by sending us a message on your order page.

    • 100% of your payment will be refunded if you cancel your order before we assign a writer to work on it.
    • 70% is the refund you can claim if a writer has already been assigned to your paper, which can be confirmed by the order’s status. The same refund can be claimed if less than half of the time has passed between the moment of the order and the deadline.
    • Up to 50% can be refunded if more than a half of the time has passed between the moment of the order and the deadline.
    • Up to 30% might be considered after delivery if you haven't downloaded the paper and the circumstances for the order cancellation were beyond your control.

    Note: You cannot cancel your order if the paper has been completed and delivered to your order page on time. In this case, you can only request a refund due to quality concerns through the “Refund” button on your order page.

  • If you notice you were charged twice for one order, make sure to contact us. Forward both receipts to our email and the extra payment will be refunded in full as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to cancel any orders you don’t need, otherwise, they will be regarded as regular orders and we will proceed with both of them. In this case, the standard procedures for order cancellation and refund will apply, which means you won’t be able to get a 100% refund. To cancel an order you’ve accidentally placed, contact our support team as soon as possible.
  • If the lateness of your paper is the reason that you are requesting a refund, contact our support team and submit a note on your order page immediately when you notice that the deadline has passed and you haven’t received your paper yet.

    • If the first version of your paper is delivered after the original deadline, you can request a recalculation of the order’s price according to the time of actual delivery. For example, if an 8-hour-delivery paper was completed an hour late, it would fall into the 24-hour-delivery category and therefore cost less, and the difference in price would be refunded.
    • If you receive a long-term order (11-14 days or longer) past the deadline, we refund 7% of the cost upon your request.
    • If the first version of a paper is late and you don’t approve it, you have the right to a full refund. When you receive a full refund, we publish the paper on online platforms for commercial use. Once that happens, the content of that paper links back to our website if googled or checked by plagiarism-detection software.

    Note: If a delay occurs due to the late uploading of extra materials on your part, you cannot apply for a lateness refund.

  • Delay refunds and price recalculation don’t apply to revisions since the revision deadlines are set separately from those of the original orders.

    Make sure you choose the correct deadline when filling out an order form. It would be perfect if there were a gap of at least 30% of the time between the deadline you’ve stated and the due date of your paper. Thus, you safeguard yourself in case there are flaws in the first version of your paper and a revision is needed.

  • If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of paper you receive, you have three options.

    • You can request a free revision
    • You can ask for another writer to be assigned to your order
    • You can request a partial refund

    What should I do to get a refund?

    1. To place a partial refund request, use the “Refund” button on your order page within 14 days after the paper has been approved.
    2. As soon as you request a partial refund, we send you the editable version of your paper and you have 14 days to provide strong reasons to back up your claim, or your own revised version of our paper, as supporting evidence.
    3. Our dispute resolution department reviews your feedback and may refund up to 40% of your money.

    Note: If you have failed to provide the information required for dispute resolution within 14 days, your request will be canceled and no refund will be possible.

    What if I have already approved the last version of my order?

    In this case, contact our support team via Live Chat, by phone, or through your order page for assistance. They will make the “Refund” button reappear on your order page.

  • If you are completely dissatisfied with the quality of paper you receive, you have three options.

    • You can request a free revision
    • You can ask another writer to be assigned to your order
    • You can request a full refund, assuming you haven’t already approved the paper

    If you choose the third option, the paper we created is posted online. Once that happens, its text links back to our website if googled or checked by plagiarism-detection software.

    What should I do to get a refund?

    1. Submit your request through the “Refund” button on your order page within 14 days after the paper has been delivered.
    2. You are given 14 days to provide strong argumentation for your refund claim. If our dispute department decides your claim is reasonable, up to 100% can be refunded.

    Note: If you haven’t provided the information required for dispute resolution within 14 days, your refund request will be canceled and no reimbursement will be possible.

    If you have pressed the “Approve Order” button at least once, either on the initial or revised version of your paper, you are only eligible for a partial refund.

  • For orders with the progressive delivery feature, the deadline for a revision request is limited to 21 days after the initial approval. Once you press the “Approve Part” button and we begin working on the next section of your order, you cannot request a refund for the previously approved part. The 10% progressive delivery fee itself is non-refundable.
  • The $5 deposit for this service is non-refundable, so make sure you check the samples written by your expert on time. If you don’t request another writer within the allotted time, we consider it as your acceptance of the writer initially assigned to your order.
  • If you pay an extra fee for an Advanced writer, one of our Top 10 specialists, or a Native speaker, but we are unable to find someone in one of the aforementioned categories to work on your order, we assign the best available expert instead. In this case, the extra fee you’ve paid is refunded.
  • The additional fee you pay for this service becomes non-refundable once the copies of the sources are delivered with your paper. If for some reason they are not provided upon delivery, this payment will be refunded.
  • If your refund request is connected with payment issues or if you decide to cancel your order, your request will be processed within 3-4 business days.

    If your refund request is connected with quality-based issues, it will be processed within two weeks.

    Note: Keep in mind that some banks require more time to process the reimbursement procedure.

    • When placing an order, provide all the details, files, and links necessary for the completion of your paper.
    • Keep in touch with your assigned writer. They might need clarifications or additional information to provide you with a high-quality paper.

    We are here to take care of any problems. Our support team works 24/7 and is always ready to assist you. Our dispute resolution specialists will help you with any critical issues.

  • We do our best to assign an appropriate writer to work on your paper, though situations where such a writer cannot be found are still possible. If this does occur, we will ask you whether there is still a sufficient amount of time before the deadline to keep searching. If there is no time left, we will issue you a full refund.

    If you want a revision of a finished paper by a different writer, and we can’t find you a suitable expert, our dispute resolution specialist will review your claim. The reimbursement process starts when you place a refund request.

    You have 14 days from the delivery of the last version of your paper to request a full refund. You have 14 days from the date of approval of the first version of your paper to request a partial refund.

  • You have 14 days to approve your order. The time for approval is calculated automatically from the moment the last version of your paper is uploaded to your order page. If you haven’t requested a revision or haven’t approved your order within 14 days, the paper is automatically approved by the system. From the moment the order is approved, you have 14 days to apply for a partial refund. After this period, no refund request is possible.

Calculate the price of your order

550 words
  • FREE bibliography page
  • FREE title page
  • FREE formatting (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian)
  • 24x7 support
  • Part-by-part payment
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Approx. 275 words / page
  • Font: 12 point Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double and single spacing

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